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Frontend API


Description: Provides hints and grades based on the user's input.

Data fields:

  • data: string
    • The input used by the AI assistant for processing.


  • hint()

    • Description: Provides a hint from the user's current progress on the question.
    • Returns: string
      • The hint generated by the AI assistant.
  • grade()

    • Description: Grades the user based on their answer.
    • Returns: number
      • The grade assigned to the input data.

Description: Menu component that manages the visibility of a menu.


  • display()

    • Description: Displays the menu.
  • hide()

    • Description: Hides the menu.


Description: Microphone prompt which allows the user to record their response during the oral test.


  • record()
    • Description: Records the user's response.


Description: Profile component that displays user information.


  • deleteProfile()
    • Description: Deletes a user profile.


Description: Result component that displays the user's received feedback.

Data fields:

  • feedback: string
    • The feedback based on the user's answers.


Description: Settings component that manages the application settings.

Data fields:

  • displayMode: string

    • The current display mode of the application.
  • inputMode: number

    • The current input mode.


Description: Whiteboard available for the user during a written test.


  • draw()

    • Description: Draws on the whiteboard.
  • erase()

    • Description: Erases part of the whiteboard.
  • undo()

    • Description: Undoes the last action on the whiteboard.
  • redo()

    • Description: Redoes the last undone action on the whiteboard.